Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blank Tea Pot Hidden For Me

Front Side
Back Side
While I was on vacation this summer of 2013 flew that first time to Illinois the corn state. I stayed with a friend at her grandmas house for  3 weeks. One house cleaning Saturday, she had asked use to help her  clean out her closet. Going though all the different kitchen appliance, we came across about 7 bins of tea sets. They were apparently form past tea party she use to have with her friends for luncheons. It reminded me of the Red Hat Lady's that sat around the dinning room table talking about politics.

 Anyway, so I was in charge of unloading the bins and putting them in sets to donate to her local church. After 2 hours of sorting and matching all the cups plates and rapping and packing back in individual bins. The result was 7 different tea sets and some extra cups and plates plus 3 tea pots.

Then I saw the perfect one, look like something out of Alice and Wonderland a royal Queen of Hearts crown at the top white porcel tea pot. I thought to myself what a beautiful canvas, I knew right away what I was going to paint on it. My tea cup back in Texas that had red flowers and green leaves on it. The same one I got given to me at my first tea party, which was this year back on mothers day. My mom invited me to a Mother and daughter tea party that her church was hosting at the peachier wife house.

 All ectited like dorks my mom and I went out to buy tea party hats. We found the perfect ones at the Halloween store. Hers was this red and black min clip on tea cup hat and mine was this black top hat with ribbons mini clip on hat steam punk style. I look like a girl version of mad hatter, at the tea party we all took  pictures drank tea and socialized.

Before everyone got their tea cups and tea, they gave us this pray cards. We were to write one thing we wanted to pray for no name. They would place them under each tea cup and when you got your tea you would read someone else prayer and pray for them with the token of keeping the tea cup you picked. I have always wanted my very own tea cup and I love tea as middle school my best friend and I would have tea parties with soda like dorks It was a tea set for this kid that she forgot to send oops. Anyway, this made it even more special because no only do I get to keep this tea cup and remember my first tea party and with my mom but some to always keep in your prayers.

That was a little back story on where I got it and why its special to me ,so I packed it in my suite case and flew back to Texas.

How to Paint on A Tea Pot

1. Have a tea pot lol, think about the design and colors you want

2. Go to Hobby lobby and buy paint markers *Make sure it says for Ceramic*
(They will cost about $3 bucks each. You must shake them before uses.)

3. You can free draw but its kinda hard. What I did was draw the design or print out on paper.

4. TRACE the design and put it on card board or pizza, cereal box is fine.

5. CUT out the picture pieces for example i made the outline of the flower then the middle circle and individual leafs. *If you need your card board to bend soak it in water for 15 mins then damp dry*

6. Use double sided type or fold it over and type your card board stencils on to your tea pot.

7. Take your markers and trace around your card board. * Make sure if you have design that its layered do all the inside tracing* EX. I traced the inside circles on the middle of the flower first then the outlined the flower.

8. Remove all cardboard stencils after tracing and color it in and add details if you wish.

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